Hypothyroidism Affects Olfactory Evoked Potentials
Your brain uses messages from both your tastebuds and your olfactory glands to determine your perceptions of smell and taste. Application of the olfactory stimulus is synchronized with the inspiration phase of the subject in our study. Automatically, using the vacuum sensor that reacts to the onset of each inspiration, the olfactory applicator starts the device for recording the averaged evoked responses. Methods of recording the potentials of smell used by us turned out to be accurate, and problems with stimulation of the olfactory organ were overcome.
This range of applied speed of stimulus provides optimal recording cortical olfactory response. For speeds less than 5 mL/s single questionable entries for the control group were obtained, whereas at speeds greater than 50 mL/sec single false responses from the trigeminal nerve endings during the anise oil examination were registered. It can be suggested that they were caused by nonspecific mechanical or thermal stimulants. Taste and smell functions were measured in 18 unselected patients with untreated primary hypothyroidism, and in 15 of the 18 patients after treatment with thyroid hormones. Before treatment, 9 of the 18 patients (50 per cent) were synthroid+clinical+studies aware of some alteration in their sense of taste, and 7 of the 18 patients (39 per cent) were aware of some alteration in their sense of smell.
Dealing with Hypothyroidism? Video chat with a thyroid doctor
We also presented here the value of the correlation coefficient rs-Spearman’s rank for significance of p. Changes in your ability to taste can vary from person to person, even in people with the same thyroid condition. When our bodies do not have enough thyroid hormone, it can lead to a general slowing of our body systems. A considerable difficulty seems to be how to ensure repeatable application of olfactory impulses.
If you have a condition like hypothyroidism, your doctor will likely prescribe a thyroid hormone replacement medication to help boost thyroid hormone levels in your body. Taste comes from both our taste buds and olfactory glands detecting chemicals in foods. The messages sent to your brain about both taste and smell travel along similar signaling pathways.
Genetics and Deoiodination in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, where chronic inflammation makes the thyroid unable to produce thyroid hormones. Sometimes, hypothyroidism may be due to a problem between the thyroid and thepituitary, a tiny gland in your brain that regulates hormones in your body. Despite its small size, the thyroid plays a significant role in how your body functions. From regulating your heart rate and metabolism to influencing your fertility and blood pressure, optimal thyroid functioning is vital for your overall health and wellbeing. Indeed, a poorly functioning thyroid can cause a slew of symptoms, many of which may seem bizarre, such as a decrease in your ability to taste and smell. The objective test method for mint and anise fragrance stimulation that has been used in our center for several years providing us with wide clinical experience appears to comply with the requirements of an objective investigation.
Is There Any Effect on Smell and Taste Functions with Levothyroxine Treatment in Subclinical Hypothyroidism?
The subjective Ellsberg method modified by Pruszewicz was used primarily for selection of the control group and to obtain preliminary information on the state of the organ of smell in the other participants of the experiment. Thresholds of perception for those with a normal sense of smell determined by Pruszewicz for both oils of mint and anise are 12 mL. It is the volume of the saturated vapors of these oils at room temperature about (22 ± 1)°C administered with a syringe in about 0.5 sec into each nostril separately. Identical quality and the production of these oils according to the manufacturer—The National Chemical Reagents POCh—are guaranteed for 50 years 9, 15. In the control group the scope of the thresholds of perception for both anise and mint oils ranged in 3–8 mL. Świdziński was used with similar stimulus lasting for 0.5 s with speed of 10–30 mL/s.
- Increased rate of cognitive dysfunction in subclinical hypothyroidism was shown in elderly population 6.
- Graphs in Figures 1 and 2 present a comparison of mean values, ranges, and standard deviations of PN1 and PN5 potentials in the subclinical and overt clinical hypothyroid groups as well as in controls.
- Moreover, the effect of increased TSH on the latency of smell cortex potentials PN1 and PN5 in the subjects with 2 forms of hypothyroidism was evaluated.
- Before treatment, decreased taste acuity (hypogeusia) for at least one stimulus was observed in 14 of the patients (83 per cent); the most common abnormalities were in the detection and recognition of bitter stimuli.
Hypothyroidism Affects Olfactory Evoked Potentials
Peripheral neuropathy may occur particularly in the course of severe and persistent untreated hypothyroidism. Although the relationship between hypothyroidism and peripheral neuropathy is not entirely understood, it is known that hypothyroidism may cause fluid retention in the tissues and thus exert pressure on peripheral nerves 1–3. Changes include loss, decreased, increased or unpleasant changes in smell or taste. Some of these changes are a result of the ingredients in the drug, but most are due to the way the drug changes nerve sensation, chemicals or enzymes in the body. It could take months or years for a taste or smell disorder to develop from a drug, making it sometimes difficult to diagnose.
Subclinical hypothyroidism has been accused for coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders, infertility or pregnancy related problems with various strength of evidence 2,5. There seems to be no immediate link between subjective perception of fragrance and the delay of recorded smell cortex potentials in different forms of hypothyroidism. To date, no studies have been undertaken to analyze latencies of olfactory responses recorded from nerves I and V in hypothyroidism in both subclinical and overt forms. Results of the correlation between TSH and latency of smell cortex evoked potentials PN5 at mint oil stimulation. Results of the correlation between TSH and latency of smell cortex evoked potentials PN1 at anise oil stimulation.
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However total receptor count and density, olfactory epithelium surface area and thickness were found not to differ in relation to exposition with PTU. Twenty eight subclinical hypothyroid patients, and 31, age, gender, education level matched participants enrolled in the study. The control group was selected on the basis of the biochemical evidence of a normal thyroid function (TSH and fT3/fT4). The conversion rate to overt hypothyroidism was found between 2% and 6% in subclinical hypothyroid patients. Higher TSH levels or presence of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (Anti-TPO) increase the conversion risk 1.
Making use of the impulse olfactometer with the electronically amplified olfactory stimulus (designed by Giesen and Mrowiński), Alber et al. (1972) made computerized averaging of 1.5- second electroencephalogram sections in responses to an olfactory stimulus 25. Then, Herberhold obtained cortex evoked olfactory potentials using 10–20 mL stimuli with 100–200 ms stimulation time. He obtained two separate potentials of 250 ms latency time for responses from the trigeminal nerve and 500 ms for those from the olfactory nerve 8.